Friday, August 8, 2008

wow, i must have been really drunk

i am absolutly insainly completely sory about my last post. although i do love that song i cant believe that i picked that version to share with the "world". its really really aweful. and perhaps it seemed that i did that on perpose or something ironic or whatever, i can asure you i did not mean to. in fact i was just cheking the blog to see if anyone was looking at it and thought maybe someone had played a trick on me. i dont think i ever gave my passwords out so im guessing i did one of those drunk internet things that you just feel stupid about later. so again, not on purpose and im sorry.


Matthew Frederick said...

Somewhere, Luciano Pavarotti sheds a tear.

kg said...

Better. That movie is tragic but cool. That poor dude spends the whole next half hour detoxing in his bedroom I think. I used to listen repeatedly to the soundtrack on cassette in my beat up Jetta c. 1997. Lust for Life, superb.

uttarÃ¥ ♪ said...

wow! rose, your blog rox! WAAAY funny shit! Is it me or does Lou Reed look embalmed?